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Become A Member

The Latin America Policy Organization holds an open-door policy for its meetings and a majority of its events. Anyone interested in attending is welcome to join our dialogue of Latin American current affairs.

However, it is also our goal to support engaged individuals in their pursuit of objective discussion, academic excellence, and professional development. Therefore, to become a LAPO member, you must:

1. Be an enrolled student at the George Washington University, either undergraduate or graduate

​2. Choose a concentration to promote through events, research, and collaborations to our blog​

A concentration may be a specific Latin American country or regional block, academic discipline, industry, or initiative. Members propose their desired concentration. These are by no means limiting factors to the range of topics a member may cover. The purpose is to avoid overcrowding content and engaging a larger demographic.

How to Apply

Submit a one-page cover letter to detailing your interest in Latin American affairs. Here's an example.


A LAPO eBoard member will reach out to schedule an interview with strong candidates.

Successful candidates will then begin a one-month trial period, in which they must attend two LAPO meetings and write one blog post. 



What are you waiting for? Become a LAPO member today! 

We are a student-run think tank

 focused on Latin America

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